Tuesday, June 9, 2009

[6/9/09] In which Odette is worried...

I am worried for multiple reasons.

First, final exam in French today and I should be studying now, but alas, I like you guys more. But this is my last French exam of my high school career!

Second, this blog. I am the only one to post in three weeks. It is a little hard to convince people to join when it is only I. I know you two will return. But the reason I am pushing very hard right now for new people is because on the 21st I leave to be a Consular in Training at my camp. I will be gone for about four weeks. I am just worried what will happen here in those four weeks. I do not what to return and have two posts to read when I come back. I was going to wait to tell you all this until after we had two new people but I wanted to share it now. We have one interested person:

Name: Georgie
Location: UK
Age: 18
Email: gnridgway@hotmail.co.uk
House: Gryffindor
Day of preference: Wednesday

So if we pick Georgie, Katie, you can move to House of Awesome. Let me know what you think. I may message you guys on FB.

Today is my last day of 10th grade! I am really excited! It has been a decent year but I am looking forward to this summer and next year.

This Friday a whole bunch of my friends are coming over and we are having a pool party to celebrate the end of the year! It will be a ton of fun!

Now I must be a good little Ravenclaw and study,

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

[6/2/09] In which Odette has very little time to write this...

Very sleepy this may not make much sense.

I woke up late today.

Today is the awards assembly for my grade.

I am getting some award.

I have to look nice.

Tomorrow my theater exam is due.

In that exam, I talk about you guys.

It is about my life with out HP

I put out a post on the ning for two more people.

No one has responded.

I have to edit my movie trailer for History tonight.

It is called "Mr. Candy Bomber"

It is about a guy who dropped candy to little kids during the Berlin Airlift.

Dissections in Biology. Need I say more?

That is pretty much my life right now.


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

[5/19/09] In which Odette was literally trampled yesterday

First I have to explain something else because I have to explain the irony of it all! We are currently having SOL (Stupid Standardized Test) testing which means class periods need to be longer so people have a chance of finishing within the period. If you don't finish within the period, you have to stay after, which is not bad, just a pain in the butt to the school. So we only have three classes a day now. They also switch them around and such. so my schedule has been:
  • 5/12-Theater, Math, History
  • 5/13-English, French, Mass Comm
  • 5/14-Math, History, Biology
  • 5/15-French, Mass Comm, English
  • 5/18-History, Biology, Theater
If you will notice, I had not had Theater since Tuesday. I was very very very very very very excited about having it again because, let's face it Theater is FANTASTIC! So I was really excited. We had to do this thing were we listened to a piece of music and we had to preform a scene to the music. Our skit was awesome! I was the leader of this group going on an epic quest only we get caught in a storm. A traitor pulled me aside and killed me. So I had an awesome death scene. The group paid their respects and then went to avenge my death. But since the piece was rather short, they had to leave my body there. In the middle of the battle to avenge my death, two of the girls slipped on my hair and fell all over me and it was really really bad. My scalp is really tender. Yesterday I had a massive headache the rest of the day and my shoulder hurts.

I am recovering though.

That is my story for this week.

Ron Yay for the boy. Boo for him going away. I wish you could come and poke the people to their senses as well. Have you ever considered school would be much better if it were all nerdfighters? Everyone would be much nicer to each other I think.

Your Ravenclaw,

Monday, May 18, 2009

I don't know what to name this.

Helloooooo! Sorry I haven't blogged here for a few weeks, it's been kind of...aah. But May isn't as tough as I thought it'd be. I have my last Maths exam tomorrow, and I don't have school on Thursday and Friday. Yay! Although it's stressing me out since, if I count the days I'll be in school before June 3rd, there's only 9 school days left before the guy I have a crush on graduates. We're finally on hello terms and have talked a bit the past few weeks (we're now friends on facebook and we sat next to each other on the bus once. mwih.), but I feel like something needs to happen. Gaaah.

This summer, I vow to do this:
- Read. Mostly in Swedish.
- Make music. Both wizard and muggle.
- Prepare for Canada.
- Have an awesome time at Expecto Patronum 2009.
- Try to hang out less at the interwebz and more with people irl, since I won't be in Sweden for long.
- Write.
- Come up with an idea for NaNoWriMo 2009.
- Try to rewrite my NaNoWriMo from 2008.
- Go to Gothenburg for another wrock show.
- Not spend too much money.
- Make more videos on youtube.
- Make a book with veggie recipes (in English).

Odette! Sounds like an awesome French project :'D sorry about the jerks at your school. I wish I could go there and poke them to their senses.

Kate! Breathe and sleep. Sleep is made of awesome.

Hope everyone is doing awesome <3


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

[5/12/09] In which Odette thinks the high schoolers in her grade need to get over themselves...

Yes, that is right, the people in my grade are being stupid faces and should just learn to get over things in life, including themselves. On Friday, I accidentally hit a girl with a fly swatter. I tossed it to her and she did not catch it. She was hit in the eye. Apparently she was "blinded for 48 hours" I apologized and asked if she was okay while she ignored me. But I continued to because I felt bad. Yesterday, I overhear her in my Mass Comm class holding court with about 15 people or more. She is telling the story and making me look like a jerkface. So generally when people pick on me in school, I can ignore it because I am not friends with them but I used to be friends with this girl so this is tough. My mom was utterly unhelpful and told me I was at fault for the way I apologize which even if that is so, can this girl not get over it?

Sorry, really not in a great mood and I needed to get it out.

The thing is I know a lot of people do not like me in Mass Comm because I am too smart or my emotions are too big or I am weird but really do they have to do things like this?

Sorry I did not post last week but things got crazy because I was finishing up my Health and PE class and the days did not feel like days. They were just masses of time. I really do not even remember Tuesday.

This week and next week is SOL week. SOLs are stupid standardized tests that we have to take. Since theses tests take so long our schedule is weird. Today I have Theater for 3 hours! I am very excited about that then Math and then History for 3 hours in which we will be taking the SOL. I did not study for the SOL because I am that big of a History nerd. I read my textbook for pleasure reading. I also got a 101 on the reveiw and my team won the reveiw game 68 to 28 about. So I am not too worried.

At my school, after a show, the cast members sign posters for each other. I finally took mine down yesterday and I felt so loved! The messages were all ridiculously sweet. One of them said "I bearly know you but you are a really talented actress and I will miss you" That was probably my favorite because it was a senoir techie who I had never talked to. Someone *cough* my ex *cough* did write a message though that really he should have picked his words more carefully and has kind of ticked me off but I am getting over that.

My sister is moving home this week. I am not happy about that.

I am really sorry I am in a ranting/pissy mood. I will try to do better for the rest of the post.

Kate: I hope finals are going/went well. You have 14 very noble goals.

  1. Work at camp
  2. Read more
  3. Get a firewire
  4. and make videos for Youtube
  5. Get decently along with my sister
  6. See the Harry Potter movie way too many times to be considered sane
  7. Learn how to make some delicous food
  8. Get to at least the 3rd stripe on my Ravenclaw scarf
  9. Finish my NaNoWriMo novel
  10. Go to at least wrock concert with my friend Sarah
  11. Blog more on DoaNEG
  12. Finish my FanFic series
That's all.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Barely an update or Summer soon!

I'm tired.
I'm very, very, very.... very tired.
I'm still in finals and it's cray, I just want it all to end, but end well of course.
I've been feeling crappy all day, alergies and all...
It's my body's way of telling me that I have a crappy sleeping cycle which consists of going to bes at like ... 11:30, listening to podcasts 'till about 1:25 and waking up at 7:05.
God, I'm messed up right now.
I used to 'not-sleep' for fun, but now it's like a very bad habbit.

In other news, as soon as the second week of June conmes around and I'm all finnished with friggin highschool, I vow to do these things:
1. Sleep from 10pm 'till 9am
2. Catch up on my nerdfighter and 5awesomeyafans profile pages
3. Make a minimum of 3 nerdbuddies for 10 days straight (and diminish it to at least 1 nerdbuddy a day the rest of the summer).
4. Start learning norwegian and ontinue my french and itallian courses
5. Read all the Planetary Comic books I can get my hands on
6. Finish Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby
7. Review at least a book a day for a month on my Reader in the rye blog.
8. Actually do an english version for my Reader in the Rye blog (the original's in spanish)
9. Paint all my nails black
10. Watch seasons 1-4 of Supernatural while doing cross-stitch (it's this quirky thing I do).
11. Go on a month long fruit diet to detox my body of 2 years of deepfried, chocolate-smotherd, honey-coated Spanish pastries.
12. Finish all the digital art I've started
13. Finish writing all the short stories and novels I've started.
14. Organize the hell out of my digital music library

So Fantastic Nerbuddies,
What are you're 12 or more summer resolutions?


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

[4/28/09] In which Odette is no longer a Slutty Professor...:(

That's right, ladies, Our Town is over. This really makes me very sad because it was so much fun to work on! If you want to know all about last week, see here. That explains the Slutty Professor thing too.

Tomorrow we are doing his French project where we had to choose something to report news on. I chose Wrock news because I am a NERD! I am talking about Whompy's upcoming tours and the Wizard Rock People's Choice Awards and New Albums (Including an album that I am buying in the near future All You Need is (Wizard) Love). I am going to wear different wrock tshirts each time I change a topic. And because I do not own a Ravenclaw tie nor do I have time to buy one, I am borrowing my friend's Gryffindor tie. I will be changing where I place the tie in each shot as well. My background is going to consist of pictures of different Wizard Rockers and I think I am going to include a picture of Solitary Snape just for you Ch! It will be great fun!

FYI my Ex-BF was a bit a jerk about somethings (like saying somethings that were mean about me to others) so I continued to ignore him. But then last Wednesday we had a talk and we are good again. I am still slightly upset with him but we are speaking like before we dated again. So that is good!

I think it is time to discuss a replacement Wednesday and Thursday. I think they have been swallowed up by the dark abyss and I wish we had the opportunity to get to know them but if they have disappeared I think we should get to know other people, ya know? Thoughts?

Ron: I am a fan of the Stockholm Starfighters on FB! You will now be the quidditch team that I support! Two of my friends are OBSSESSED with Doctor Who. They have both tried to get me to watch it and I just have had no time.

Your Ravenclaw,